Career Coaching

No one wins the Olympics on their own. As you aspire to do great things in your civilian career, find an advisor to help you get there more efficiently


In the 200+ interviews I have conducted with military Veterans about their civilian career, one of the most consistence pieces of advice is: self-knowledge is critical. This awareness usually comes over time, which helps to shape how you grow in your career, but why not start now? As members of the Armed Forces approach their transition to a civilian career, it is essential they take time to develop a game-plan and evaluate what they want out of their next chapter, both personally and professionally. My intention with the Career Coaching aspect of Beyond the Uniform is to assist Veterans in this process. While the Beyond the Uniform Podcast serves as great information in a one-to-many format, the Career Coaching is an individual and one-to-one approach. I've worked hard to assemble a team of coaches who can support members of the military in this process, and also provide discounts to make this work possible with the military community.

How it Works

Comprehensive packages designed to help members of the Armed Forces succeed in their transition to a civilian career.


The Beyond the Uniform Coaching Package may include:

  • 4 one-hour sessions with a certified Executive Coach. The intention of each session is to assist you in gaining clarity around your career goals, values, needs, and direction.

  • 2 one-hour sessions with a Certified Career Counselor. The intention of each session is to build skills for a job search, networking, and resume writing

  • CPP Strong Interest Inventory Survey and Report

  • All coaching sessions are conducted by phone or video conference


The goal of this coaching plan is to take a highly individualized approach to your career transition. While the subject of each session is subject to change, here is the starting framework that will be applied to your transition program:

Sessions 1 & 2 (1 hour each): Discovery session with your dedicated Executive Coach to clarify your values, life purpose, short term and long term career and life goals.

Individual Assignment: CPP Strong Interest Inventory, which provides robust insight into your interests, so our Career Counselor can better help you consider potential careers, your educational path and the world of work. Built on psychologist John Holland’s theory, it’s backed by more than 80 years of research into how people of similar interests are employed, and what motivates individuals in the workplace. A recent survey reported that 80% of organizations saw improvement in their ability to help individuals choose the right major after implementing the Strong assessment.

Sessions 3 & 4 (1 hour each): Review CPP Strong Interest Inventory. Work with your dedicated Career Counselor to collaborate to find different tools for you to work with to move forward with your career path consideration and options.

Sessions 5 & 6 (1 hour each): Work with your dedicated Executive Coach to integrate the information from Sessions 3 & 4 into a consolidated action plan.

Our Coaches

Each member of our coaching team has provided at least a 50% discount on their services in support of members of the Armed Forces.

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Rebecca Nassiri

Rebecca is a CTI-Certified coach who works with C and VP level managers in the technology industry to improve personal performance and leadership abilities. Also, work with small business owners and individuals seeking to achieve greater personal and professional success.

Rebecca has a B.A. from UC Berkeley and a M.A. in Organizational Leadership from Columbia University.


Heather Starr

Heather serves as career counselor to California State University students. Provide individual career counseling to assess for interests, aptitudes, values, personality traits and educational background. Administer vocational assessments and provide feedback.

Heather has a B.A. from the College of William & Mary and an M.A. in Counseling from Wake Forrest University.


Kathy Laurnen

Kathy is a CTI-Certified coach with 20+ years of experience as a business leader in the healthcare industry, I help leaders and their teams define their goals and values, then develop a plan and commit to creating that vision.

Kathy has a B.A. from The Ohio State University.


Todd alexander

Todd is a CTI-Certified coach, with 20+ years of experience as a legal operations manager at companies including Splunk, PayPal, eBay, and Cisco Systems. 

Todd has a B.A. from the Santa Clara Unversity.

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Lib Wanner

Kathy is a CTI-Certified coach with 30+ years of local government experience. Lib's client's typically are people who are seeking more fulfillment in their lives primarily as they face career choices and major life transitions, and her clients include small business owners, executives, professionals, consultants, teachers and recent retirees.


Ready to get started?

Single Coaching Session

  • One-hour session with a certified Executive Coach

  • Ideal for those considering coaching and not yet ready to commit to multiple sessions.

  • $100 deducted from other packages if you move forward



Transition Coaching Package

  • 4 one-hour sessions with a certified Executive Coach.

  • Identify goals, clarify values, establish the critical next steps in your career and more.

Transition Coaching Program Platinum

  • 4 one-hour sessions with a certified Executive Coach.

  • 2 one-hour sessions with a Certified Career Counselor.

  • CPP Strong Interest Inventory Survey and Report

  • Myers Briggs Personality Test

Single Coaching Session
Transition Coaching Program