The Transition Mission
Free Webinar | Monday, January 27 @ 6:00pm Pacific / 9:00pm Eastern
60-minute Presentation + Q&A | 100 attendee max
Herb Thompson had a successful military career in which became the only person ever to earn the Green Beret and Army Drill Sergeant of the Year award. Finishing up his military career he had doubts about leaving the military and becoming a civilian. The Army was the only thing he knew since enlisting at the age of 17.
Like most veterans, the transition process was not easy for him, and he had bad days filled with self-doubt. However, after over 2,000 informational interviews, thousands of hours of internet research, and hundreds of hours of personal reflection, he found his way. He landed a job at a top-tier Management Consulting firm and a seat in the Executive MBA program at Cornell University. Herb is going to share his insights for a effective transition.
Herb doesn’t sugar coat the process and will have a discussion on the reality of transition.
The hard questions you need to answer.
Techniques to be successful.
Ways you can succeed.
Methods destined for failure.