BTU #416 - How to Sell Shovels in a Gold Rush (Trevor Shirk)
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Why Listen:
One thing that will come through in this interview is how much Trevor is constantly learning from others and books as a professional and an entrepreneur. I am ordering three different books based on the ones he recommended in this episode. We talked a lot about how the riches are in the niches and Trevor's own story of entrepreneurship of how he started to do things and had a realization and pursued that. And it led to what he's doing right now, which is selling software specifically-targeted at the cannabis dispensaries, which are booming here in Colorado and elsewhere.
About Trevor:
Trevor Shirk is the CEO and Co-Founder of Terrayn, where he has generated $28 million in revenue with over 160 dispensaries. He graduated from West Point in 2008. Trevor served in the Army for more than eight years, where he was a Ranger Qualified Combat Engineer, including combat ops in Afghanistan. When he left the Army, he did Stanford's Ignite Program and became CEO of Strattex Solutions, where he did SEO and digital marketing strategy work. After that, he co-founded Terrayn nearly two years ago.
Selected Resources:
Trevor’s LinkedIn:
Scale by Jeff Hoffman:
Traction by Gino Wickman:
Mastering the Rockefeller Habits by Verne Harnish:
Time Stamps:
Trevor’s background [2:33]
When the entrepreneurial bug hit me [4:24]
The first month was brutal [7:34]
Leveraging from the success of our first clients [11:11]
My first sale [13:49]
As a veteran you have all this awesome experience [18:16]
We just observed the success [20:53]
Break that stigma [23:26]
From Strattex Solutions to Terrayn [28:50]
The extreme advantage of niching [30:12]
The green lights you should be looking for [33:21]
Your friends and family will give you great feedback [37:06]
Find the right pain point [39:15]
The real leverage is empowering people to achieve their mission [40:46]
Business is a marathon [49:29]